Thursday, August 13, 2009


"Whatever." he said with a sigh of resignation. And so the conversation slouched to another dead end. One of several that have had the same water dousing.

Whatever is You know, a filler word. You know. It is colloquial but filled with way too much meaning for me. Its like a real cop out man!

Maybe it will pass with time. A figure of speech that is just a fad, Pet Rocks and mullets. But, the heart it shows is not a fad. All too familiar; a MRI of the soul this: "Whatever".

"The sluggard buries his hand in the dish; he is weary of bringing it to his mouth"

Living is not for the sluggard, real living. The kind that knows troubles and conflict and rises to the challenge of hurt and frustration. Life is very normal: complicated. Unlike sentences it doesn't always supply nouns and verbs that compliment. Here a noun, there a verb, people and actions of people that sometime make sense and sometime seem science-fiction or hyperbole.

Whatever. Drones say it, Zombies live it. But there is a better way.

" Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God" (I Cor 10:31) This may require some thinking in the situation. Yet it yields benefits of owning life and not avoiding it. "Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father" ( Col 3:17) This may cause some acceptance of less than desirable nows for future will be's.

These "whatevers" are just as real as the life in front of you. Very few come to real road intersections and say, " It doesn't matter which way I go." They are driving to a desired end. We all live to desired ends. Sluggards want ease and whatever it takes to make it less strenuous so "whatever" is just fine.
"Whatevers "of the other kind account God in and the cards have to be played. No folding, bluff if you want but its better to keep in the game. He never loses but He graciously shares the pot with those who acknowledge His rightful and just dealing.
There will always be a place for "whatever". Just keep the main noun (God) and the main verb (sovereignty) in "whatever" circumstance you are in.